

Urban Ghosts: Lovely article, worth a look!
Urban Ghosts: Remnant Stories of Building Demolition & Graffiti Removal “Photographing decay is not a new trend, but the focus of such images [...]
Capital: New York, Capital of the 20th Century
Having spent a good two months cradling Capital, I can now admit that I will never finish it – in the same way that I will never finish reading the [...]
St. Pauls steps
Useful words
Some useful words: Allegory – using the veneer of one narrative to disguise the meaning of another. Ambiguity – deliberately cryptic or inexact expression [...]
Mixing Algorithms
I love the internet – Very interesting piece written by Mike Christenson from North Dakota State University,ND, US that I found online; this section [...]
Road Ahead Image
Streets deserted, roads closed.
Sunday in London. Streets deserted…
a valid question
Define in your own words intermedia – by itself, and vs multimedia or video work or whatever else Intermedia describes both a process of combination [...]
A note to my supervisor… in case I forget.
Now I do understand this isn’t actually a question, but it is a starting point, perhaps. Considering intermedia art forms as metaphor in the appreciation [...]
Constructing Urban Space with Sound and Music
Notes and extracts from this quite wonderful book… by Ricciarda Belgiojoso:- …A few years later, in 1957, at the National Association of Music [...]
Current reading…
I read so slowly and forget so much… London: The biography by Peter Ackroyd “The image of London as a human body is striking and singular; [...]
an opening gambit
It may not stay this way but it really is better than ‘hello world’… These pages will collate information that will relate to my PhD [...]